Associated Press “journalist” Eric Tucker coordinated a media hoax with Hillary Clinton’s longtime lawyer, David E. Kendall.
Hillary kept her emails on two thumb drives – one with the missing 33,000 emails was never recovered. Another one was turned into the FBI. Eric Tucker was supposed to report on this story, but rather than do aggressive journalism, he was willing to let a Clinton surrogate “steer us away” from the story.
In the email Tucker writes:
Hi David,
We have been told, and we are preparing to report, that the FBI has taken possession of the thumb drive that was once in your possession. This is what we have been informed, and we wanted to see whether there was any sort of comment that could be provided. If you wanted to steer us away and say that we are misinformed, then I would gladly accept that as well. But we have solid reason to believe this. We’d welcome any comment you can offer. Thanks very much.
This latest email confirms what we’ve long known. There is no “free press” in America. The hoaxing media is owned by the DNC and Clinton machine.
Tucker’s conduct doesn’t even shock the conscience anymore when you consider that CNN gave the debate questions to Hillary Clinton, and when you know Chuck Todd takes marching orders from then-DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
American media is trash. They lie, they hoax, they cannot be trusted.
CNBC “journalists” like John Harwood grovel before their Clinton masters.
Read MAGA Mindset because it’s time to take back the media from these hoaxers.
View Comments (6)
Have you seen this media hoax?
Internet Neo-Nazis handing out "40s and weed" in the Philly ghetto? lol. Pretty embarrassing for Politico that they fell for that. They were even reporting on it on CNN.
Mike, is Fox News any better?
This is the uphill battle Trump is facing and has been from the beginning, he basically has to win with most of the GOP establishment, right-leaning media included, either sitting this election out and doing nothing of real substance to help him, or outright working for the other side, however covert.
Tonight was another example of it, and unless you pay close attention to politics you would not have noticed it. At the start of Brit Hume's show they did an electoral map that showed Hillary winning despite the corruption and criminality that has been revealed this past week, classic psy-ops designed to keep Trump supporters demoralized and reinvigorate demoralized Hillary supporters, that EVEN FOX NEWS still has her ahead, but then came the hidden bias that only those of us who follow politics closely would have spotted.
Following the electoral map, Brit Hume had a pollster on to explain it, a so-called Republican pollster no less, so it sounds good, right?
In fact not only is she a Republican pollster, but she's young, attractive, articulate and has a pleasant demeanor. Nothing suspicious so far, right?
Only here is the problem, and NEVER ONCE did Brit Hume mention this to his audience, you know, full disclosure and all that stuff that used to matter ...
The young ladies name is Kristen Soltis Anderson.
Does the name sound familiar?
It should, because she was one of the so-called conservative females who signed a letter demanding Trump fire Corey Lewendowski as a result of the Michelle Fields hoax, and she has long been a self described member of the #NeverTrump movement.
But you would not have heard either of the two on tonights broadcast. Brit Hume basically presented a self described #NeverTrump, hostile to Trump for months, as a neutral (Republican) observer, and she proceeded to explain, in so many words, why Hillary is still likely to win.
I hope "journalist" memes its way into being like ((Steinberg)) or whatever. Not that I'm a Jew basher, but I'd love to see a similarly clever way of outing these shitbag blogger/activists masquerading as reporters.
So did the AP run with the story or not?
I cannot believe Harwood would write that piece and think the hag's team would love it. I'm sure they saw absolutely no humor whatsoever, whereas I thought it was funnier than heck. Of course, I am in the other side, so I would. What a complete moron to think it was okay.
Erick Tucker, Hillary she must in Jail!!!